This is how it works

Oslo Kooperativ – Something for me?
As a member of Oslo Kooperativ, you can order organic / biodynamic food every other week. You do this by ordering two weeks before delivery. A bag of locally produced organic vegetables costs 230 kroner (this includes the booking fee). In the bag you will find a variety of seasonal vegetables. In wintertime, with many different root vegetables, it weighs about six to eight kilos. In the summer where salads, asparagus, herbs and similar products are more common, it weighs about four kilos. In addition to the bag of vegetables, you can sometimes order egg, fruit, dairy and other food. Check the «nettbutikk» (webstore).

 How can I pick up what I have ordered?

 The location to pick-up what your have pre-ordered is at Mathallen, Vulkan 5, 0178 Oslo. Pick-up every other Thursday (even weeks) between 16:30 and 18:30.

It is your responsibility to collect your order within the opening hours. If you cannot pick up yourself, you can ask a friend to do it. The cooperative does not refund money or the bag’s contents if it is not retrieved.

How often can I order food? 
As a member you have the opportunity to order every other Thursday. The booking deadline is always Thursday at midnight two weeks before you pick up. You decide if you want to order the bag every other week or a little less often. You are not bound to anything other than the orders you choose to make – and there is no requirement that you order.

What does it cost to be a member? 

A memership is NOK 310 for a year, or NOK 205 for six months. Membership runs from the date you registrate, and has to be renewed by you if you want to continue as a member.

What does it require from me?
Everyone can join Oslo Kooperativ. All members commit to contribute between 5-8 hours (equivalent to two ‘shifts’) over a year. You can either:
• Set yourself up to help at the pick-up location where you will sort and weigh the goods, and assist other members to pick up their bags during delivery. More info about the ‘shifts’ can be found here.
• Participate in one of the working groups and be part of the process of developing Oslo Kooperativ. This will give you valuable experience and more insight into the daily operation of the cooperative. As a member of a working group you do not have to take ‘shifts’ as well.

Contact us if you wish to participate in a working group:

We hope you will join us and we look forward to seeing you!

Click here for more information on registration.

Are you wondering about anything else? Read our questions and answers.